
sundays are my favorite

Even though I hate the inevitability on mondays, I love the casualness of sundays.  
Nothing eventful usually happens and that must be my favorite part.
I love....
making my yummy roast early in the morning so that it is perfect at dinner.
 catching up on my shows from the whole week.
re-organizing my closet... which I mess up during the week.
spending time with Zuke because I miss him.
being crafty.
having time to myself.

This sunday I did all of the above and enjoyed every minute of it....
I just wish it wouldn't end.
Mondays always come... and the week always starts.

Little blurry.... but zukey loves his mama! 
Roast Prep.
My craft desk....organized. First time in months!
I love sleeping in a freshly made bed 
Yes, I color coordinate my clothes
There's nothing in my life my shoes can't fix :)

I just have one last thing to say, 


Winter Wonderland?

Lately I haven't had much time to do anything that I actually enjoy.... not that I don't enjoy every aspect of my life, I just haven't had much time to do much of anything else that isn't scheduled. I don't intend to bore anyone with my weekly schedules but it does consist of work, school, tutoring my friend's son, chiropractic appointments, wedding planning, homework, dinner making, cleaning, and taking care of Zuke. My winter has consisted of a lot of running around and I don't usually get home until around 630 during the week days just in time to make dinner, eat, clean up, do homework and go to bed. I really have been bad at blogging, I haven't even blogged about my engagement, Christmas or New Years... but now I feel like too much time has passed to even talk about it so instead I will just post pictures of the Winter happenings :)
cabin trips to play in the snow 

to relax and watch movies 


 The whooooooole Gang :) 

And of course I couldn't find my camera so I there are no pictures of Christmas haha... I am a terrible blogger! 


Rock Much? Let me pencil you in....

As I am sure most of you have heard... WE ARE ENGAGED!
4 years and 3 states later here we are getting ready to get married. 
We have not set a date just yet, our calendars are looking really busy for 2011 but we will try to fit in our wedding as soon as possible. 
Is it weird that I just said "fit in" haha as if it's like an appointment or something! Who knows maybe we'll just elope on a random weekend :) 
Be on the look out for our invites... or maybe announcements!
 We shall see.
 2011 has so much in store for us I am sure.... also I am making our "the knot" blog with all our engagement and wedding details so I will post the link as soon as I am done... but please be patient I am a busy busy girl working 35 hours a week and taking 17 credit hours! eeek! 

Here's a pic of my beautiful ring :)

and our cute selves :) 

Our little Adventures are just going to get better! 
I know it!


Many Updates.... But not much time....

Unfortunately for me I have been really sick on and off for the past 7 weeks, it seems like every time someone coughs 10 feet away from me I get deathly sick. my immune system apparently sucks. go me. Anyway... there are some exciting things that have happened but alas I do not have time to really update everyone... but don't fret the semester is officially over for me tomorrow so I shall have a lot of time on my hands for at least a month...that is if I get all my Christmas shopping done soon! So be on the look out for our little adventures :)

But don't worry I won't leave you without a picture so here is our cute dog with our beautiful Christmas tree.


There's always a silver lining

I have re-kindled an old friendship this week and I am so happy. We have been talking non-stop and I just wish I was going home for the holidays.... Amongst the wonderful things we have been talking about I have found a new favorite artist. yay. So although this month has been crazy and busy and pretty intense/hard for me I guess there is always a silver lining. Now I can't stop smiling :)

Can't wait until thanksgiving and then my birthday will be here which means my mommy is coming to town... let's just say I am looking forward to the next few weeks.... who knows maybe I will go home in January or something :)


I don't even know where to begin!

Sometimes so much has been going on that I don't really know where to start and I just end up writing nothing... so let's just do a quick recap of Sept/Oct:
1. Baby showers for Brooke galore
2. Hadlie Denise Johnson was born Oct 4th ( the day I guessed she would be)
3. I got a job as a Legal Assistant with an awesome attorney
4. I am still going to school full time and survived midterm week despite working and stuff
5. Austin moved to a new place less than a mile from me
6. Packing, Moving, unpacking, decorating. whew.
7. Multiple Halloween parties. I won best pumpkin award. woot.
8. Oh and I am super sick.... bronchitis maybe?

Putting everything on a list makes it seem like I haven't been all that busy... but believe me this last month has been kicking my butt!
On some brighter notes.... Austin's family from Utah is visiting next weekend so we are SO excited for that... except for the part where he wants his apartment all done and decorated ( which is obviously my job) so the stress-ness isn't over just yet. I am so looking forward to time off for thanksgiving & my birthday is coming up in about a month! ( Dec 1st) yayy.
Well here are some cute pics of my life in the month of October


Is there such a thing as too much blogging?

So I feel like I am going from the extreme of blogging once every three months to two blog posts in just a few days, kind of weird for me. I wish I could blog all the time and tell all the people on cyberspace what I am thinking and doing but I don't know if that would get too boring for everyone. So I am just going to blog about everything and nothing at the same time.

Today we went out, Austin took me to Olive Garden and we had a good time. I have noticed that we are getting into more in depth conversations about our plans and our hopes and desires for the future. I recently decided that I want to go to law school, granted I have to finish my bachelor's degree first but it is a new goal that I have set out for myself. Hopefully I can achieve it. Sometimes I fear that we'll get married and have a baby and that I'll never have a career of my own. I hope that isn't the case.

We don't really have big plans for the weekend. I have some tests and homework to get done for my classes but it's not something I don't enjoy. I am enjoying my full class load and I hope I can finally finish my degree soon. I am still trying to find a job, but it has proven to be more difficult than I imagined, that plus I am being a little more selective this time around. I want a steady job with no stupid drama (is that too much to ask?) so hopefully I can find a job as a legal secretary/assistant soon.

There's so much I wish to say but I get afraid of what people might say or think of me. Don't get me wrong I have no mean things to say just some real thoughts that I want someone else's opinion on. It's hard to get Austin's opinion on things he doesn't seem to care too much about (girl stuff ha) so maybe some day I'll find the courage.

Well those are my thoughts for tonight... I'll leave a picture to make it more enjoyable to read :)
I think I look like my mom in this picture. 
Sorry that my head is cut off but I was trying to see my 
whole outfit (shoes included of course) without a full length mirror. 

I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com