I have wanted a puppy for a long time and about 2 months ago the cutest little doggie joined my home!
His name is ZUKE ( don't ask about the name, i kind of made it up )
He is a chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix with beautiful green eyes and the sweetest face you have ever seen... He is a little trouble maker but he sure makes me happy! He has the craziest personality and he is so funny!
cute right?
Ok what else.... last year was a crazy year for me. I got a new job working at Chase bank, it has overall been a fun job to have. I have met some awesome people there and it is so cool to play with lots of money everyday! I went to California over Fourth of July and it was my first time ever being in Cali! I had a blast going to the beach and playing in the water, it was a lot colder than I expected but not nearly as cold as NH! In August a friend of mine that works for an airline was able to hook me up with some cheap plane tickets and I got to fly to New Hampshire and enjoy a nice few days there with my family. In October I was chosen to participate in the conversion of Washington Mutual becoming Chase bank and the company flew me to California to train new employees, I got to stay in a really nice hotel and my rental car was a brand new Camero.... It was really fun (and fast!) In October I got Zuke Zuke! November is a beautiful time in Arizona and I had some time off to cook and relax! December brought my Birthday ( I can't believe I'm 22 ) and an amazing Christmas. I really got very spoiled this year... For New Years I surprised my family and flew to New Hampshire to meet up with them... it was a great surprise since no one had an idea and when I walked in the door everyone's mouths dropped! I got to experience some really cold weather and some fun in the snow! We all went to the lake and sledding and although I was freezing I had a blast. It is the new year and I am planning some big things this year. I am really hoping for a great year... here are some pics to show you my fun 2009 year!
On the pier in California... So nice....

Eating lobster with mom. Yum. Nothing compares.

Fun times at the lake with some of my family!
Baby Zuke Zuke :)
He was soooo tiny...