1. Baby showers for Brooke galore
2. Hadlie Denise Johnson was born Oct 4th ( the day I guessed she would be)
3. I got a job as a Legal Assistant with an awesome attorney
4. I am still going to school full time and survived midterm week despite working and stuff
5. Austin moved to a new place less than a mile from me
6. Packing, Moving, unpacking, decorating. whew.
7. Multiple Halloween parties. I won best pumpkin award. woot.
8. Oh and I am super sick.... bronchitis maybe?
Putting everything on a list makes it seem like I haven't been all that busy... but believe me this last month has been kicking my butt!
On some brighter notes.... Austin's family from Utah is visiting next weekend so we are SO excited for that... except for the part where he wants his apartment all done and decorated ( which is obviously my job) so the stress-ness isn't over just yet. I am so looking forward to time off for thanksgiving & my birthday is coming up in about a month! ( Dec 1st) yayy.
Well here are some cute pics of my life in the month of October