Sorry I've been m.i.a. for a couple of weeks...
i've been working on a project that is soon to be unveiled!
meanwhile... Zuke has been keeping me entertained and busy that's for sure!
He is learning more and more tricks and his personality is so fun that everyday is like an adventure to us...
he has recently discovered birds when we go outside and he is getting super close at catching them!
Yesterday we went for a walk around a pond and there were ducks everywhere and he saw ducks for the first time and he ran after them... lucky for him ( and me) he was on his leash otherwise he would've jumped right in to get them! It was so funny!
He also "suffers" from separation anxiety from me.... it's super funny but he can't handle it when I am not in the same room as him, he has to know what I am doing and where at all times! He was leaning on the backrest of the couch watching me on the computer falling asleep! It was so cute!
I've been busy but we've been having fun too... Austin moved out of his grandma's and got his own little condo right down the street which has been fun... We've been moving him in and getting furniture and all the stuff he needs.
We are going on a cruise next month to the Grand Caymen Islands and Jamaica with all of Austin's family... we are soooooo excited and can't wait.
Oh yeah... Happy Birthday Mommy!!! and happy St. Patrick's day everyone!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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