Ok so the month started with a trip to the Lake with Austin, Mitch, Tyler, Janey & Brooks... it was super fun and I attempted to wake board for the first time... please notice the word "attempted" because it was a lot harder than anyone made it look! My arms were super sore for days after... but at least I can say I got up once... I didn't stay up but it was better than nothing for me! It was a beautiful day and I mostly enjoyed the view from inside the boat with baby Brooks!

Things that happened in May 2010....
1. Brandi turned 16 and got her license!
2. We found out Brooke is having a baby GIRL! yayy pink!
3. Los suns/Cinco de Mayo Party with the boys & lots of food! yum.
4. Austin, Zuke and I went on our first road trip to Utah to drop Brady off at the MTC
5. Hung out with cousin Luke in Utah....best ever.
6. My middle school best friend Mallory came to visit and she and her daughter are now moving to AZ in October! whooo hoooo can't wait!
Ok and that was May.... coming up.... June 2010.... i hope. haha.
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