Lately it's been the same stuff.... clean, cook, clean, take care of zuke and be crafty.... oh what an exciting life I lead. We are finally going on our cruise next weekend and I am oh so excited. I of course need to go buy a new bathing suit and pack and clean my house and get Zuke all situated with my lifesavers the Biggs :) thanks again! I feel like I am coming down with something which is kind of freaking me out since I don't want to be sick on the cruise so Airborne here I come!
In preparation for the cruise Austin and I decided to do a quick 2 week diet which is supposed to make us loose anywhere from 7-15 pounds and I hope its true because I miss all my sweets and pastas! It consists of eating lots of vegetables and fruits and lean meat, everything must be broiled. No sugar, flour, starches, dairy ( barely) so it's been a tough few days... lucky for us we've had a few events which allowed us to cheat a little but hopefully we'll be good for the next week.... we've also been working out... at least Austin has, I still go on walks with Zuke a few times a day and the other day I even did the eliptical. gasp. haha.
In other news Zuke (who I feel is my child since all I do is talk about him haha) has been enjoying having me home and to tell you the truth it has really paid off because my puppy is finally potty trained and has no more accidents. We are able to leave him in either apartment (mine or austin's) and he will be good the whole time, won't even destroy anything. I think he sleeps while we're gone since its nice and quiet for once ha. Austin and I love teaching Zuke tricks! He learned how to sit when he was very young and we have a lot of fun teaching him.... he also knows " give me a kiss" which he is so cute about, "where's mommy" which Austin says to him when I'm not in sight. He loves when we say "Wanna go Outside" because he gets sooooo excited and jumps and runs to the door and then when he is at the door I say "what do you do?" and he sits down so I can put his leash on, he is seriously so smart! And my favorite "where's the ball" and he will literally run around the house and bring me a ball to play with, he knows how to play fetch which includes bringing me the ball and dropping it.... amazing. In the last few weeks we've been trying to teach him to "shake" where he lifts his arm and shakes my hand, let's just say he was not amused while we would do it and would try to not look at me to avoid the whole fiasco... well yesterday I was making some dinner ( delicious vegetables of course) and i dropped a green pepper, let me just say that Zuke absolutely LOVES LOVES fruits and veggies so he waits for them to drop. I took a little piece of the green pepper and had him sit and then I said shake and tapped his leg and he lifted it up to shake! I was soooooo excited! Of course he got a ton more veggies because I had to show Austin and then he had to try it! It is so fun! I can't wait to teach him more tricks! I am really going to miss him while we're on the cruise :(
Today will consist of some grocery shopping, laundry, dishes and possibly packing. Austin won this raffle and won 4 tickets to a suns game so he is doing that with the boys tonight... which means I'm on my own.... we'll see what fun endeavors Zuke and I get into! :)
Here are some random pics of our little adventures....
he even sleeps with his ball!
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