We flew out of Phoenix early Friday morning to be ready to board the cruise ship early saturday morning. After a 4 hour non-stop flight to Miami we found our selves in the humidity that is Florida. We spent the afternoon relaxing and eating ( multiple times) and watching movies together. Jay ( Brooke's husband) planned an early activity for us before boarding the ship... the Everglades. Mind you I had never even heard of it and come to find out I was really terrified when I heard what they were.... being 6inches off the water while looking for alligators was not my idea of fun but I decided to be adventurous and try it anyway. Here are some pictures from the Everglades.
Alligator right next to our boat.

that's what the boats looked like.

another alligator.

little bird who just walked up on Austin's arm

baby alligator.
Lori holding an alligator!
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